Gluten free Bajra Roti (pearl millet flatbread)


  • 1 cup of pearl millet flour (you must grind this fresh, after a week or 2 it gets bitter)
  • enough water to get the right consistency
  • extra pearl millet flour to keep it from sticking


  • 1/2 tsp salt


  1. add the salt to the flour in a bowl
  2. slowly add water to mix it until the dough is the right consistency
  3. when you get the right consistency, kneed the dough for several minutes, the longer you kneed the dough the better
  4. heat a pan, and roll out a golf ball sized piece of dough into a flat bread
  5. cook the roti on the hot pan, be careful because this roti is more likely to crack

Note - often goes with spinach curry
